Life As An MST Survivor 2024
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Image of Rev. James G.W. Fisher  
In "Life As An MST Survivor - The Predator" we address the problem of the Military Sexual Predator in the military environment. From there we transition into "Same Sex Assault", MST experienced by an individual of the same sex as the predator(s). We then conclude with how "A Predator Has No Boundaries."


The Predator
Grasping the reality of moral principals being ignored

"The Predator", the person responsible for the act that causes the trauma to the victim, often times finds the military providing the perfect environment to satisfy their deviant priorities.
As a ranking officer, enlisted or commissioned, the  predator can use fear to create a sense of dominance,  giving him / her a sense of control and authority.  In the military, a predator can find people of like mind and intention who are in authority to more easily satisfy their sense of dominance.


  Confusion of Authority
The dilemma of a making a decision in a traumatized state

In the minds of service members, a state of confusion ensues when a person is sexually assaulted in the military.  Your mindset is to obey orders without question or compromise.  When unexpectedly facing sexual assault by any service member, the victim is psychologically traumatized. Confusion sets in from the trauma, making rational decision making more difficult. 
  "While from one perspective an individual's first impulse is to resist the aggressive encounter, at the same time their mind wrestles with following orders as commanded. It is that moment of confusion that a predator takes advantage of to satisfy their intent. "   
  Some people will resist, regardless of the consequences, while others reluctantly succumb to the sexual demands they are subjected to. Regardless of their decision, the cold hard fact is that both men and women alike, find themselves becoming a victim of the abuse of authority.  
  As time continues with a victim and the predator, the person committing the assault discovers a greater level of physical and mental aggression must be used to reach the same level of satisfaction experienced in the beginning, until they reach a plateau.  Unlike alcohol and drugs, at that point for the predator, it's then on to a new victim to start the same routine all over again.  

* On August 1, 2023, an "Executive Order" was signed by President Biden which moves the handling of crimes such as MST away from military commanders to independent military prosecutors, who are outside the military chain of command.

Same Sex Assault
The increased traumatic effect of sexual assault by someone of the same sex

Despite efforts to fight MST in the military, sexual assault by a person of the same sex is common. The more frightening fact is that it contributes to an increased traumatic affect for those who fall victim to it. This generally tends to be more prevalent with males, although not entirely. The assault can be MST, (Military Sexual Trauma), MSH, (Military Sexual Harassment), or MSA, (Military Sexual Assault), with MST the most prevalent.
"MST is prevalent with young service members ranging from 18-21 years of age. It is important to understand that because of the young age, individuals who experience MST may have a limited range of coping skills at the time of the sexual assault. This makes them prime targets for predators."
We need to consider that military service used to be considered something that was considered a right of passage to establish their manhood. For male predators in the military, they often times use their lacking a sense of worth as an excuse to perform the acts they do on lesser ranking males.

 Over 60,000+ male Veterans alone, are victims of MST (Military Sexual Trauma)
and PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) per year!

A Predator Has No Boundaries
Physical abuse causing bodily harm never imagined is a reality

In speaking with a large number of male MST survivors, it was common for them to experience a rifle butt into the side of their heads, legs, spine, while being verbally assaulted simultaneously for failure to follow sexually related commands.
"Many of the individuals have no boundaries in what they do to another person whether male or female, to satisfy their personal designs through physical and sexual abuse."

- E. Wilkins, Ph.D.
In today's military in Iraq, servicemen can be forced to endure treatment so severe that they will swallow razor blades, just to be transferred elsewhere without concern of the destination! As one Veteran I interviewed stated, "When I was undergoing a similar experience of abuse of authority while in Iraq, I was warned not to try anything to get transferred or else I might suffer from "friendly fire."

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