Confusion of Authority The dilemma of a making a decision in a traumatized state
In the minds of service members, a state of confusion ensues when a person is sexually assaulted in the military. Your mindset is to obey orders without question or compromise. When unexpectedly facing sexual assault by any service member, the victim is psychologically traumatized. Confusion sets in from the trauma, making rational decision making more difficult. |
"While from one perspective an individual's first impulse is to resist the aggressive encounter, at the same time their mind wrestles with following orders as commanded. It is that moment of confusion that a predator takes advantage of to satisfy their intent. " |
Some people will resist, regardless of the consequences, while others reluctantly succumb to the sexual demands they are subjected to. Regardless of their decision, the cold hard fact is that both men and women alike, find themselves becoming a victim of the abuse of authority. |
As time continues with a victim and the predator, the person committing the assault discovers a greater level of physical and mental aggression must be used to reach the same level of satisfaction experienced in the beginning, until they reach a plateau. Unlike alcohol and drugs, at that point for the predator, it's then on to a new victim to start the same routine all over again. |